City High Weather Notification

Due to the extremely cold temperatures, City High will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st.

Wellness Policies & Procedures

Wellness Policies & Procedures

Health Office

Medication Administration Procedure

City Charter High School recognizes that the health of our students is an important part of their education process. Students may require medications to maintain an optimum level of wellness. The school nurse is available to answer questions and address concerns regarding student health and/or medication requirements.  

No over-the-counter (OTC) medications may be administered by any school designated personnel without specific written instructions from a licensed physician/dentist with the following exceptions: antacid tablets/Tums, cough drops, throat lozenges, acetaminophen(Tylenol)/ibuprofen (Motrin).  Medications are available in the health office to alleviate minor discomforts and are given at the discretion of the school nurse or designated school personnel.  These medications are only dispensed upon submission of an Emergency Care Form signed by the parent/guardian, indicating which over the counter (OTC) medications the student is permitted to take. These forms are available in the school office and must be re-submitted each school year.  

If it is essential that a student receive a prescribed medication at school, Emergency Medications Policy (page 85) must be followed.  

  1. Contact the school nurse to inform the school of the medication requirements.  
  2. The medication must be brought to school in the original pharmacy dispensed container. The container must display:  
  • Student’s name  
  • Medication name  
  • Dosage and time of administration  
  • Prescribing physician  
  • Name and phone number of the pharmacy  
  • The RX number  

A completed Medication Administration Permission sheet (“Medication Permission”) must accompany the prescription. The parent and physician portion must be completed. Your physician may fax instructions and authorizations to the school. The fax Number is 412-690-2316.

The Medication Permission forms are effective for the school year they are submitted. A new Medication Permission form is required each school year. A new form is also required if there is a change in the medication and/or dosage. 

Health Screenings

The Nurse's Office performs state-mandated health screenings including: Height, Weight, and Vision screening for all students. Hearing screening is performed on all 11th grade students and physicals are performed on all 11th grade students that do not turn in a physical form from their physician. The student's physicals are completed by our school physician.

COVID-19 Health Monitoring

City High follows all the actions recommended by the CDC. 

COVID Information & Resources

Medical Care Referral Resources


Professional Counselors

City High has three full-time counselors who are available from 7:45 to 4:15 each day. Many students self-refer. Internal referral sources include staff, administration, other students, and parents.  Appointments can be made in advance by email, by teacher referral or students can stop by the Wellness Suite and request to see a counselor. Students bring a wide range of issues to the counseling staff, including issues related to school, peer relationships, and emotional support  issues outside of the school atmosphere including families, community violence, etc. 

Holly Ickes, LCSW
Krista Wible, M. Ed.
Jocelyn Zuniga, LPC, NCC

Services Provided

  • Counselors provide counseling services directly to students

  • Conflict resolution and mediation are implemented as needed. Early intervention in potential student conflicts is an essential part of keeping the school’s mission.  

  • If it becomes apparent in the course of meetings that assessment and/or long-term professional counseling is necessary, counselors assist families in finding external resources and support.

  • Counselors consult with faculty and administration regarding their interactions with students or student needs/behavior as needed.

  • Attendance matters are monitored by our Wellness staff and early interventions are utilized when possible. If circumstances demand, truancy court is utilized.

  • There is communication and interaction with Children, Youth and Families (CYF) on an ongoing basis.  When indicated, Childline is utilized for situations that demand it.

  • When necessary, severe mental health circumstances have demanded the hospitalization of students at risk.  The City High Wellness team helps expedite that process.  This could include the need for assistance from RESOLVE Crisis Services and parent/guardian.

  • One of the counselors is the Homeless Liaison and Foster Care Liaison for the school.  The liaison collaborates with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and other school districts to assess and identify families and students for homelessness.  The liaison collaborates with CYF, and other agencies involved when the child is placed into out-of-home care.

Attendance Support

City High’s school counselors monitor school attendance for truancy purposes. In addition to phone calls, emails, and meetings with students, letters are mailed to parents/guardians informing them of their child’s absences and City High’s attendance policy.  The first letter is mailed when a student misses 3 unexcused days.  Another letter is mailed after a student misses 5 unexcused days. The second letter asks the parent and student to attend a Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to identify barriers interfering with the student’s ability to attend school on a consistent basis.  Focus on Attendance is offered to families who want to participate in preventative interventions.   If the student continues to accumulate unexcused absences following the SAIP meeting, truancy charges are filed with the magistrate and a hearing is scheduled. 

Drug/Alcohol Use

When a student and/or parent/guardian expresses concern about drug or alcohol use, City High counselors are available for support and to link families to drug and alcohol programs in our area.  When appropriate, the school counselor will complete a referral.   When a student is caught with a drug and alcohol infraction, City High’s school counselor meets with the student to talk about their drug and/or alcohol use and discuss options for treatment.  The counselor then follows up with the parent to provide information about treatment options to include the different levels of care that is available for drug and alcohol treatment.  

Crisis Resources

Students and families are encouraged to contact one of our counselors for support when in needed.  


If immediate assistance is required for a behavioral health emergency, RESOLVE should be contacted at 1-888- 796-8226 or call 911.

Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late. 1-844-SAF2SAY

988: A Direct Link For Suicide Prevention and Crisis Support, Calling or Texting 988 will connect individuals to 24/7 free and confidential support if they are in distress or in need of prevention and crisis resources for themselves or a loved one.  

Suicide Prevention

All City High employees receive training on suicide awareness and prevention as well as risk factors associated with suicide ideation and suicide.

Child Abuse

City Charter High School is required by the Child Abuse Services Law to report all cases of suspected child abuse to the Office of Children, Youth and Families (CYF) including all cases of student-on-student child abuse that occur on school grounds, at a school sponsored event and during travel to and from school. The mandatory report to CYF is in addition to any school discipline and/or charges that may be filed with the local magistrate.  


The Wellness team interacts with a wide range of agencies and organizations, including:

  • Community-based institutions and services

  • School-based mental health services offered through Pressley Ridge

  • Outpatient mental health providers (WPIC, Mercy, AGH, private practitioners) - Includes individual and/or family therapy, crisis management, medication services

  • Partial Hospital Program (WPIC, Mercy) - Used to prevent inpatient hospitalization or as a step down from an inpatient hospital stay.  Partial Hospitalization offers various forms of therapy to help stabilize symptoms so that patients can resume their lives.

  • Inpatient Hospitalization Programs (AGH, WPIC, Southwood) - Designed to provide treatment, as well as protection from harm to patients who are at significant risk of harming themselves or others and are unable to resume their lives because of mental health symptoms.

  • Children, Youth and Families (CYF) and Child Protective Services (CPS) - Provides a wide range of preventive, protection, and supportive services to children and families in need

  • RESOLVE Crisis Network (UPMC Children’s Hospital) - Offers mental health crisis intervention and stabilization services. Drug and Alcohol Youth Services (Gateway Rehabilitation, Pyramid Healthcare, SHORES) - A variety of inpatient and outpatient programs aimed at giving adolescents the tools they need to find recovery from their addictions

  • ELECT Teen Parenting Program provides services through local school districts to pregnant and parenting teens living within the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.

Economic Assistance & "Caring Closet"

City High has a 68% financial and socially disadvantaged student population, and additionally many of their students are just slightly above the socioeconomic status for vouchers that provide free and reduced lunches or medical help such as eyeglasses. City High saw a need, not only to provide those students with lunches or eyeglasses, but to also help any student struggling with the expectations of attending City High. 

City High students’ financial obstacles include having the required professional business attire, daily money for school lunch, and a bus pass if they were deemed a walker, or financial help to attend school field trips. It also included medical expenses such as eyeglasses for students failing the school’s vision screening or providing feminine hygiene products. 

"Caring Closet"

City High's "Caring Closet" is a space where students can find commonly needed personal hygiene items free of charge, such as: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body wash, soap, tooth brushes, toothpaste, feminie hygiene products, lotion, etc. 

Students are able to go to it on their own as needed and "shop" for any supplies that they may need such as deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and so on.  Bags are provided as well so that students can be discreet about what they take if they choose to be.  They do not need to ask permission to take something, and everything is free.   

You can help support our Caring Closet by contributing to City High’s Wishlist.(We currently have a lot of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash but everything else is needed!)

Donate to the Caring Closet