A Core Difference to the Curriculum
City Charter High School takes an integrated study approach that allows students to explore topics across various disciplines. It also helps teachers better utilize instructional time and look deeper into subjects through a variety of content-specific lenses and tailor instruction to individual student needs.
Cultural Literacy - English & Social Studies
City Charter High School’s Cultural Literacy curriculum prepares our students to become literate and informed citizens. Units combine four years of English reading, writing and listening skills with four years of History content, framed within social, political and economic contexts and equity-based multicultural content. Each grade level reads at least two full-length books of fiction over the course of the year. Electives include explorations of August Wilson, the musical Hamilton and Public Speaking.
Scientific Literacy - Mathematics & Science
Math and Science at City High are hands-on and exploratory. Students engage in a mandatory four years of study in integrated mathematics and four years of lab-based science.
The Interactive Mathematics Program® (IMP) is an integrated high-school mathematics curriculum designed to challenge students with a four-year sequence of college-preparatory mathematics. Problem-Based, Aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM), IMP was designed and field tested with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
- Units are organized around a real-world problem or theme and the mathematical concepts that students learn grow out of what is needed to solve those problems.
- The CCSSM practices and standards are deeply embedded in the curriculum. IMP is one of three curricula identified as “Exemplary” by the U.S. Department of Education for providing convincing evidence of its effectiveness in multiple schools with diverse populations.
- Students experiment, investigate, ask questions, make and test conjectures, reflect on their work, and then communicate their ideas and conclusions both orally and in writing.
- The real-life situations capture students’ interest and make mathematics relevant and compelling.
- Problem-based learning helps students develop the ability to transfer their learning and reasoning skills to new problems.
- Students work with each other in collaborative groups as they tackle complex problems.
Advanced courses in Calculus and Physics prepare students for college courses. Electives include statistics, chemistry, botany, and zoology.
Information Literacy - Multidisciplinary Research
Information Literacy courses prepare our students to become 21st century learners who are able to use research skills when searching for a variety of informational needs in multidisciplinary areas. All students then complete a required two-year Graduation Project, an independently researching a topic of their choice and developing an action project.
Financial Literacy & Technology
Technology was a founding principle at City Charter High School. We recognized early on, the importance of emerging technology as a learning tool as well as a vital skill for the modern workplace. So we make sure that in addition to FREE* laptops, our students have mandatory computer classes and get software skills training, tech support and certifications to prepare them for their future.
Our Financial Literacy and Technology program prepares students for life after high school through three years of courses in small business, budgeting, banking, saving for cars/housing. In addition, students can choose electives in accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship, programming or participate in the student-run Robotics team.
Students can get certified in the following areas:
- Core and Expert Microsoft Office Specialist Certifications (MOS*) in Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, and Outlook.
- Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) Program, offering the following Adobe product certifications Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Professional and Adobe InDesign.
Students can also choose from electives in advanced Digital Media, Web Design Applications and Digital Video.
- video cameras
- sound equipment
- green screen
- teleprompter
- 3-D printer
- engraving equipment
Students can practice using video cameras, technical lighting and other professional equipment to rehearse presentations, create videos for posting, and explore advanced digital media skills for their 11th grade multimedia classes.
This facility is a valuable asset for students pursuing electives in digital media, robotics, programming, or animation.
Workforce Skills Literacy
Career Curriculum
Our students take three years of Career courses where they explore college and career options, build a resume and learn interviewing skills, and develop time-management, collaboration and a professional work ethic.
13-Week Mentored Internship
An internship at City Charter High School is a unique career exploration that integrates study with planned and supervised career-related work experience. Students are involved as non-paid “authentic employees” receiving academic credit for work experiences. The purpose of the program is to develop and strengthen the student’s educational and career preparation. An internship will expose the student to the interpersonal relationships a job requires, both with co-workers and supervisors that are essential in obtaining a successful, satisfying career. Internships enable employers to assist the high school students in preparing them to work in today’s business environment. This mandatory 13-week Internship allows students totry out a career while gaining valuable real-world experience.
Learn More About Our Mentored Internships
Post-High School Planning
Our students are prepared to get started in the world – whether it’s college, a training program, the military or the workplace. Our Post High School Planning Team works individually with students and families from grades 9—12 on college/trade school applications, career planning, interview preparation, and development of an appropriate post-high school plan for every graduating student.Health & Wellness Literacy

City High 9th graders complete one trimester of Health and one trimester of Physical Education, which take place in our state-of-the-art fitness center. Students can also take electives in Health/Nutrition, strength and resistance training, and PLYOGA®. In addition to our health and wellness course, City High has adopted high nutritional standards for our delicious, freshly-made chef-prepared daily lunches, soups, and salads.
Learn More About Our Nutrition Program
Foreign Language & Art/Music Literacy
Spanish Curriculum
9th grade students at City High take two trimesters of Spanish Language and Culture that develops vocabulary and understanding of Spanish-speaking culture.
Art & Music Literacy
Our Art & Music Literacy courses provide elective opportunities during all four years of high school. We offer electives in grades 9-12 to students needing an outlet for creative expression – whether it’s the:
- Visual (sketch, sculpt, paint, illustrate/animate, work in watercolor or Photoshop)
- Verbal (writing, digital media, playwriting)
- Musical (choir, keyboarding, drumming, guitar)
- Performance (dance, acting, public speaking)