City High In the News

City High News & Updates

Stay informed with the latest news and highlights from City Charter High School! From student achievements and school events to important announcements and community stories, this is your go-to source for everything happening at City High. Check back regularly to stay connected and celebrate our school community!

City High's 4 Day School Week Featured on WTAE

City High's 4 Day School Week Featured on WTAE

At City High, innovation drives our mission to meet the evolving needs of students. Our 4-day school week prioritizes student success, fosters resilience, and offers a balanced, future-focused education.

Written Student Testimony submitted by Isaac Gabriel for Senate Education Hearing 4/23/21

Written	Student Testimony	submitted by Isaac	Gabriel	for	Senate	Education	Hearing  4/23/21

Written Student Testimony submitted by Isaac Gabriel for Senate Education Hearing on 4/23/21 I am Isaac Gabriel, a senior at City Charter High School, an urban charter school in Downtown Pittsburgh. Let me walk you through how I ended up here, and where I am going now that Read more

2020 City High Grads Earn Recognition as Pittsburgh Promise Scholars

2020 City High Grads Earn Recognition as Pittsburgh Promise Scholars

Class of 2020 graduates Jeremiah Davis and Katelin Kostelnik earn honors as Pittsburgh Promise Executive Scholars. Read more

About University of Pittsburgh-Study Abroad

About University of Pittsburgh-Study Abroad

Founded in 1981, Pitt Study Abroad develops programs and facilitates educational experiences in over 75 countries. Students can study abroad during the summer term, fall semester, spring semester or during a full academic year. The program offers immersive learning opportunities Read more

City High hosts the PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools for virtual press conference about charter reform budget proposal

City High hosts the PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools for virtual press conference about charter reform budget proposal

Dr. Dara Ware Allen, City High CEO, joined the panel of charter leaders from around the state to talk about charter schools' impact on the education of students in our state. Read more

City High teacher highlights the power of building relationships

City High teacher highlights the power of building relationships

Business and Technology Teacher Nathan Budziszewski talks about how the past year's health crisis has impacted his teaching. "Our school has been really thoughtful in our approach," says Budziszewski, noting the holistic approach City Charter's administration has taken in addressing the needs of a Read more

City High Senior shares her story of navigating college visits over the past year

City High Senior shares her story of navigating  college visits over the past  year

Senior Ebennie Davis shares her experiences with distance learning and the college planning process over the past year. Read more

City Charter High School: Balancing Structure and Flexibility for Students with Disabilities

City Charter High School: Balancing Structure and Flexibility for Students with Disabilities

A school that runs on student-teacher relationships seeks a balance between strong structures and flexible student support to sustain instruction during closures. Read more