Events Details

Trimester 2 Final Exams/Half Days for 9th, 10th and 11th grade only

Thursday, April 3, 2025 - Friday, April 4, 2025

Trimester 2 Final  Exams/Half Days for 9th, 10th and 11th grade only

Final Exams

See Final Exam Schedule Here

Criteria and Content

  • Final exams for each course must be a meaningful, trimester-long culminating experience for students and fill the period of time allotted in the finals schedule.

  • A study guide must be provided one week prior to the exam. The study guide may not provide the exact exam or exam questions as the final.

  • The final exam must provide various ways to assess students, and providing student choice is encouraged.

  • The final exam experience may not include open notes, open internet, notecard or open book.

  • Staff should discuss final exams with students in classes and advisory.  Students will need time to prepare mentally and academically.  

  • Performance based or alternative finals must be approved by admin. Please speak to Welch regarding this option even if the option is the same as last trimester.

  • We take the study guide and final exam experience for students very seriously. Please do not allow students to have unstructured study time, study halls or work make-up days. Students tend to not do well in those types of settings at the end of the trimester.


Final Exam Grade Level Schedules:

12th Grade will operate on a full day schedule and finals will be held in seminars.

9th, 10th and 11th Grades:

  • Thursday, April 3rd: Half day finals

  • Friday, April 4th: Half day finals

  • Students must be in class before 8:15 am in order to take the first final exam.

  • Students who arrive after 8:15 am or past the 15 minute timeframe for any class, will need to come in on the make-up day to take the missed final exam.

  • If students are absent on either final exam day or arrive after 8:15 am, they must complete missed exams on the make-up day.

  • If students miss a final exam and do not make it up, they will receive an E (50%) for the missed exam.

Make-Up Final Exams

Monday, April 7th - Make-up final day:

  • Students need to report to their grade level floor by 8:00 am.

  • If students arrive after 8:15 am, they will not be permitted to take final exams and will receive an E (50%) for the missed exams.

  • Students do not need to be in dress code.

  • Each team will need to prepare final exams and proctor exams for their grade level.


  • The exam must be graded and the final exam grade will be reported on the report card in a separate column.

  • The final exam must be ten percent of the final grade unless your syllabus

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