Final exams for each course must be a meaningful, trimester-long culminating experience for students and fill the period of time allotted in the finals schedule.
A study guide must be provided one week prior to the exam. The study guide may not provide the exact exam or exam questions as the final.
The final exam must provide various ways to assess students, and providing student choice is encouraged.
The final exam experience may not include open notes, open internet, notecard or open book.
Staff should discuss final exams with students in classes and advisory. Students will need time to prepare mentally and academically.
Performance based or alternative finals must be approved by admin. Please speak to Welch regarding this option even if the option is the same as last trimester.
We take the study guide and final exam experience for students very seriously. Please do not allow students to have unstructured study time, study halls or work make-up days. Students tend to not do well in those types of settings at the end of the trimester.
12th Grade will operate on a full day schedule and finals will be held in seminars.
Thursday, April 3rd: Half day finals
Friday, April 4th: Half day finals
Students must be in class before 8:15 am in order to take the first final exam.
Students who arrive after 8:15 am or past the 15 minute timeframe for any class, will need to come in on the make-up day to take the missed final exam.
If students are absent on either final exam day or arrive after 8:15 am, they must complete missed exams on the make-up day.
If students miss a final exam and do not make it up, they will receive an E (50%) for the missed exam.
Monday, April 7th - Make-up final day:
Students need to report to their grade level floor by 8:00 am.
If students arrive after 8:15 am, they will not be permitted to take final exams and will receive an E (50%) for the missed exams.
Students do not need to be in dress code.
Each team will need to prepare final exams and proctor exams for their grade level.
The exam must be graded and the final exam grade will be reported on the report card in a separate column.
The final exam must be ten percent of the final grade unless your syllabus
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