RSVP Today!
City High's New Admissions
OPEN HOUSE & School Tour

Join us March 22nd, 10 a.m. - Noon
8th Graders & Transferring 9th Graders, don't miss this event! Tour the school, visit classrooms, talk with teachers and student ambassadors, and APPLY in person!

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Graduation Rate
City High continues to average among the highest in Pennsylvania
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Pittsburgh Promise
Scholarship Eligibility of All Public High Schools in the City of Pittsburgh.
4 Day Week
Year-round Trimester Schedule
FREE Laptop Per Student FREE Laptop Per Student
FREE Laptop Per Student
WiFi Classrooms, Full Tech Support
Students Loop
With Their Teachers all Four Years
Learn about our mentored internships at City High

City High – An Innovative 9-12 High School with a Proven Formula

Twenty years ago, we researched cutting-edge schools across the country to find the perfect mix of best practices with one goal: to graduate students ready for life.
Our curriculum for grades 9-12 is rigorous and relevant to the modern world. Furthermore, career-mapping, workforce skills literacy and mentored internships ensure our students graduate tech-savvy, college and career ready.
Today, this unique educational model continues to prove itself.  With free* laptops, year-round classes, a low student/teacher ratio, and focus on college and career readiness, City High averages a 94% graduation rate – across all demographic groups. 


Learn more about City High's Mentored InternshipsFind out how you can become tech-savvy and well prepared for the challenges of college, career… and life.  

A Unique Place... by Design


Technology was a founding principle at City High. We recognized early on, the importance of emerging technology as a learning tool as well as a vital skill for the modern workplace. So we make sure that in addition to FREE* laptops, our students also get the software skills training and certifications to prepare them for their future.

Technology Infused Education

A career-focused experience convinces students that what they do at City High impacts their future. So, all graduates complete a 13-week Mentored Internship to explore a potential career and get a taste of the real work environment. But before they go out into the business world, we arm them with business orientation skills, like time-management, collaboration and an overall professional work ethic. 

Mentored Internship
City High teachers “loop” with the same students over all 4 years, so our students really get to know their teachers... and vice versa. This results in a more personalized teaching approach. More importantly, it gives us better insight into each child’s individual learning style and pitfalls, so we can adapt to make sure every child stays engaged and learns to the best of their ability.
Teacher Looping

News, Events & Updates

View upcoming events, get updates, and join the conversation on City High's social media.

City High Is Social

Student Spotlights

College-bound honors student locks in a major and a major scholarship after remarkable internship.

Meet Amya Wise, one of City High's recent graduates and success stories. With her 4.21 GPA, love of art and recent internship at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, City High honors student Amya Wise found her sweet spot in Anthropology. She will pursue that dream major with a full scholarship t

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City High in the News

City High's Chief Academic Officer Featured on 3WS Radio Show

Angela Welch, City High's Chief Academic Officer, was featured on the February 27th episode of 3WS Radio's Pittsburgh Sunday Morning show. She discussed our innovative educational model and how City High is shaping the future of learning. Listen to the interview to learn more!

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Something for Everyone

Hands-on STEM labs, student-run Robotics team, Programming electives, Anatomy & Physiology labs, college-credit classes, Adobe and Microsoft certifications, social clubs, musical theater, on-site fitness, dances, cultural field trips… and so much more!